One Small Town
All of our asset-backed community tokens and investment opportunities in one place.
INFINITY tokens sold
4,95 USD
Current price
Reserve Price at 4.43 USD
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What is INFINITY token?
The INFINITY Token is the official ONE SMALL TOWN (OST) community token shared with all OST members who contribute 3-hours of time towards their businesses and community activities. It is the official reward mechanism for OST members around the world. The token is proof of contribution of time – proof that the OST member contributed their 3 hours. OST members in active towns are required to contribute 3 hours of labour per week, for which they receive 1 INFINITY token for every 3-hours of time contributed.Members can contribute up to 3 hours every day if they have time available, and receive one INFINITY token for each 3-hour session.
Why was INFINITY token launched?
We needed a mechanism to verify that OST members contribute their 3 hours per week. We could have used the old punch card ticket system, or QR code on a cell phone, or other ways for members to prove that they contribute their 3 hours. The situation presented the perfect opportunity to create a community token that will represent such participation, and simultaneously become an additional benefit for the community, by becoming a reward mechanism for participating members, in addition to the other benefits.
Participation token
ONE SMALL TOWN has created a unique new way to participate into OST businesses around the world with PARTICIPATION TOKENS. This is a revolutionary approach to streamlining participation opportunities across many businesses in many sectors.
The Ras El Matn Health Center is the first of our OST businesses and the first participation token of this kind. There will be many more in the months and years to come.
The health industry is a very lucrative sector. This Health Center promises to become a highly profitable business with high traffic, that will deliver very generous returns for its token holders.
There are 1 million Health Center tokens available at $5.00 USD each. Issued tokens represent 30% net profit of the business. OST will NEVER issue any more of these specific tokens. The minimum participation in the Health Center, is $100 USD or 20 tokens.
There is no limit on the maximum number of tokens obtainable by one member, up to the total number of 1 million tokens available.
Dividends are paid out annually to token holders based on the number of tokens they hold.
Notice: Health Centre Token Availability
Please be advised that the Health Centre Token is currently unavailable. We are reassessing this participation opportunity considering developments in Lebanon, and updated information will be provided on this page as it becomes available.
We assure all token holders that your funds are secure. You will continue to receive the anticipated annual participation reward as outlined in the applicable terms and conditions.