One Small Town

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ONE SMALL TOWN - Mastering the OST Token Xchange

13 February 2025

Did you know that you get INFINITY token bargains on offer on the trading platform in your OST digital wallet?
As our OST platform grows and our members get used to using it, there are many opportunities for members to buy INFINITY token at a bargain price.
This is because they uploaded their tokens for sale some time ago, but new members are still finding out how to buy and sell their tokens.
So, check out this short video and see how you can snatch up some awesome INFINITY token bargains now, before they disappear.

In unity - Michael Tellinger

Watch Video Update

January 11. 2025

ONE SMALL TOWN - Breaking Technology News

At the end of 2024, we completed the development of our new recycling technology which is owned by OST International. With this unique IP and technology that generates various forms of energy, OST is in a position to provide a green, non-toxic, non-pollutant solution for all the plastic, rubber, and styrofoam waste in the world.

I make this statement with confidence because we own this technology, it is mobile, and it can be replicated with ease and placed in almost any location. This will not only provide secure funding for future OST launches, but also drive confidence in OST and the value of the INFINITY token.

We have also acquired the rights to a number of new revolutionary technologies that will be released one by one in the coming months. We are preparing a prospectus for a new exciting Innovation-Technology Token as a crowd funding offer, in which the funders will benefit from the profits generated by these technologies.

Please sign up as a member of OST, get as many INFINITY tokens as you can afford, and get ready for the launch of the Innovation Technology Token from ONE SMALL TOWN. We are making history in so many ways and changing the way communities will be creating abundance and prosperity for themselves going forward.

In unity - Michael Tellinger

January 10. 2025


Last week was simply epic in the growth of ONE SMALL TOWN.

We laid a foundation for a food distribution network in South Africa, using the OST Platform, and fine tuned our recycling technology to new heights that none of us could have imagined.

I look forward to the ONE SMALL TOWN PODCAST on Wednesday 12 February 2025 where I will share our success in more detail and introduce the new Technology & Innovation Token from OST to be launched in thr next month or so.

Till later, in unity, Michael Tellinger.

Watch Video Update

January 6. 2025


ONE SMALL TOWN PODCAST delayed this week because of important travel and food distribution negotiations.

We hope to finalize a dynamic and unique distribution of Organic non-GMO food from farm to table, in South Africa, using the OST Platform and blockchain.

This will create hundreds of small businesses and many opportunities for struggling small farmers to grow food specifically for this network.

The model we create will be replicated in other countries. What makes this unique is the connection of the OST membership, contribution of time by many OST members, utilization of the INFINITY token, and gradual establishment of the OST community stores and food kitchens.

This is a huge deal for the growth of ONE SMALL TOWN ground the world.

Another reason to get your INFINITY TOKENS now.

In unity - Michael Tellinger

Watch Video Update

January 6. 2025

Competition can Save Us or Destroy us.

There is Destructive competition, and Constructive competition. In the current capitalist system where everyone is out for themselves, capitalism becomes a truly Destructive force. Large corporations and their shareholders will take out their competition at any cost to be the sole leaders in their market. Big pharma and big oil are great examples of this. But competition in a cooperative system does exactly the opposite. It creates the best products, the best results, with the best efficiency and benefits for their communities and countries. The ONE SMALL TOWN initiative does exactly that. Join us. It's a liberating feeling.

In unity, Michael Tellinger.

January 6. 2025


Let's make 2025 the year of acquiring true knowledge and wisdom, and using this wisdom to make the world a better place, and improve the lives of billions of people around the world. Join the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative today and let's get going.

December 23. 2024

The Pursuit of Financial Wealth is Very Different to the Pursuit of Abundance.

The ONE SMALL TOWN objective is to achieve prosperity and abundance for all the people in our small towns and communities. This includes abundance in all areas of our lives such as food and food security, healthcare, education, work, technology, arts, culture, sports, and even financial abundance. All of this is possible only when we cooperate and collaborate in a structured and planned manner - with specific goals and objectives - using the best people with the right skills at every level. This is the ONE SMALL TOWN model and plan. Over the past 15 years, we have created the platform, the structures and the tools to achieve this. Everyone is free to join us and make this happen for yourself in your community. But it requires determination and commitment. Become a member of ONE SMALL TOWN and lead by example in your community. Read the website and then take action. In unity, Michael Tellinger

December 9. 2024

Ras El Matn Health Centre Update

The Ras El Matn Health Centre has been placed on hold for the time being as a result of the situation in Lebanon. We will revisit this wonderful activity when possible.

Notice: Health Centre Token Availability
Please be advised that the Health Centre Token is currently unavailable. We are reassessing this participation opportunity considering developments in Lebanon, and updated information will be provided on this page as it becomes available.

We assure all existing token holders that your funds are secure. You will continue to receive the anticipated annual participation reward as outlined in the applicable terms and conditions.

December 3. 2024

One Small Town Art Gallery

OST Art Gallery will pay artists 10% Royalty for all future sales of their art sold and re-sold on the OST Gallery.
We have launched the first phase of the OST Virtual Art Gallery on the OST website and Platform.
We invite artists to sign up and learn how to upload your art.
We have prepared the functional foundation - BUT we will use this period to work with our participating artists to ensure that we iron out any glitches that may have escaped us.
We aim at creating the premier global platform for artists and dealers to sell their works of art, while ensuring the authenticity of each work by using advanced tools on our Platform.
This will allow us to pay a 10% royalty to our artists for all sales, and future sales of their work on the OST Gallery.

OST is changing the way art will be sold in the future.

In creativity - Michael Tellinger

CLICK HERE to watch the video >>

31 October 2024


As 2024 comes to a close, there is so much news to share - so many new developments; new towns and countries joining OST; new strategies and plans; information and technologies; members and Ambassador information to share and experiences that need to be shared with our members and supporters.
We need an ongoing accessible platform to communicate and share our experiences and what we are learning from the OST journey.
This is why the OST Weekly PODCAST is an obvious next step.
This is where I will answer all questions, cover new exciting developments, give guidance to new members and Ambassadors and everything else that needs to be discussed and shared.
Our powerful platform is ready, our INFINITY tokens have been ready for some time, our membership activities are there to initiate, community projects and thousands of new businesses to start...
It's time for action.
Remember, that we are building the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative together. I cannot do it for you - you need to lead by example and initiate OST in your community, or find the right person to start it.
We have created the platform and secure structures make this possible in every town of the world. Imagine thousands of small towns that have created their own abundance and prosperity, connected to all the other towns, sharing knowledge, resources, produce and food, and so much more.
If you have what it takes to become an Ambassador and launch OST in your community, sign up on the platform and apply to be an Ambassador. The rest will all be discussed on the PODCAST.

See you on the PODCAST.
In unity - Michael Tellinger

October 4. 2024

Implementation - UPDATE.

We have learnt very valuable lessons over the past 2 years, of implementing OST in various towns of the world. We learnt that there is a huge difference between a simple idea of people cooperating and collaborating to launch OST in their community, and the unexpected challenges that emerge when we start doing it.

1. Planning and Structure
The first point is that nothing that will last and thrive is ever achieved without planning and structure. That is why we created the OST Platform, to manage this structure and provide oversight systems for Ambassadors and members to plan their businesses and activities, monitor progress, see their success and analyze if things go wrong.
It is a very powerful tool that all OST Ambassadors and members have access to for free. Very few large corporations have access to such systems.

2. Appointing Ambassadors
The next big thing we learnt was that appointing Ambassadors is a very serious thing, that could backfire badly on our credibility. Just because someone likes what we do, and wants to be involved, does not mean they will make a good Ambassador. We have had to learn how to profile and interview potential Ambassadors.
The role can be equated to an experienced CEO or General Manager with diverse skills and experience managing people to deliver their best for the company - except in this case, it is for the community.
We now have a detailed system to identify the best possible people to become OST Ambassadors, and know exactly what is expected of them. The OST Platform provides all the tools they require.

3. Best Corporate Legal Structures
The third big thing we are still learning about with new Ambassadors of different countries, is what the best corporate structure is for the national OST office, and the individual businesses started by members in the many towns of that country. We are dealing with Non-profit companies, LLCs, Trusts, Community Trusts, Community Co-op's, and others.
It is a tricky and challenging task to ensure we use local laws and tax legalities to our advantage that benefit the OST members most effectively, with as little bureaucratic meddling from local and national authorities. We have a growing team of very smart people finding amazing solutions.

We are entering a new era of ONE SMALL TOWN growth that will deliver the results all of us have imagined.
Become a member of ONE SMALL today. Get your INFINITY TOKENS, and start using them among other members, the way we all gravitated towards bitcoin in the beginning.
This is our token, let's make it vital.

September 19. 2024

How to Become a MEMBER of ONE SMALL TOWN.

Please click on the link below to see how you can become a Member of ONE SMALL TOWN.

CLICK HERE to watch the video >>

September 19. 2024

What is the INFINITY Token.

Please click on the link below to learn about the ONE SMALL TOWN INFINITY Token.

CLICK HERE to watch the video >>

September 19. 2024

How to Buy INFINITY Tokens.

Please click on the link below to see how you can purchase INFINITY Tokens.

CLICK HERE to watch the video >>

September 19. 2024

ONE SMALL TOWN Art Gallery Update.

Please click on the link below to watch the ONE SMALL TOWN Art Gallery update video.

CLICK HERE to watch the video >>

September 19. 2024

Become a Patron of ONE SMALL TOWN.

Please click on the link below to see how you can become a ONE SMALL TOWN Patron.

CLICK HERE to watch the video >>

September 17. 2024

The philosophy of ONE SMALL TOWN is simple.

We choose to stand united, cooperate and collaborate in cleaning our towns and fixing what is broken. We all agree to contribute 3 hours per week to make all of this possible.
Then we develop business plans to start good profitable business that are possible in our towns and surrounding areas. We work with farmers and make plans for growing as much food as we can and create our own seed banks and food security. We protect what we create and stimulate our sports, arts and cultural activities.
Find markets for what we grow and manufacture and generate profits to distribute amongst our members.
We never own less than 60% of what we start allowing investors an exciting opportunity to partner with us in our collective initiatives and benefit from our collective labour force.
BUT - none of this is possible without a management system to ensure structure, membership, implementation, transparency, project management, funding opportunities, delivery, productivity, accountability and success every step of the process.
This is what the OST Platform gives our members and OST towns.
It is also an indicator why 99,9% of intentional communities of the past have failed. The past 3 years we have been building the OST Platform as a secure environment for all of the above.
In many ways we are launching OST on a whole new level, with strong and focused Ambassadors who are as passionate about ONE SMALL TOWN as I have been since 2005. This is our time. We are doing it for ourselves, we are not waiting for anyone to come save us.
It is not easy - it takes real commitment and relentless determination.
So, if you think you have what it takes to start ONE SMALL TOWN in your community, to become the Ambassador and lead by example, please read our website HOW TO GET INVOLVED and HOW TO BECOME AN AMBASSADOR, and then follow the steps.


In unity - Michael Tellinger

March 16. 2024


OST is growing steadily with the right kind of people. The quality and profile of people joining OST has shifted dramatically. From good-hearted, free spirited, almost hippie-like humanitarians, to entrepreneurs and business-minded people who realise that it takes planning, structure, management and ongoing support to start community projects, food growing, community kitchens and profitable businesses.

We have slowed down the appointment of new ambassadors to ensure that we appoint the right people, who have the know-how and experience to turn their OST initiative into a success. Our view is that ONE great success story is infinitely more impressive than several almost-success stories.

It all starts with OST membership - Go to our website and become a member FIRST.

If you are a driven entrepreneur with good management skills, and if you think you have what it takes to become a ONE SMALL TOWN Ambassador, then simply apply to become an ambassador in your membership profile. Once you submit your application, we will be in touch with you.

Let's find the next wave of amazing OST Ambassadors around the world that will take this simple idea to its full realisation.

March 9. 2024.

A simple plan for liberty.

The global elite want to create chaos, division, and conflict among the people. It will allow them to impose more draconian laws in the name of safety, and for our protection. We are smarter than that. We will not fall for their trickery.

We will unite, cooperate and collaborate to lay down the foundation for peace, harmony, prosperity and abundance for all of us. And we will use their tools of enslavement, as tools of LIBERATION to achieve this for the world. Without any violence, opposition or conflict.

The time is now. The more insane the globalists become, the more the people strive for true freedom. We've been building this for 17 years. The plan has now matured.

We are doing it for ourselves. Join us. It's a liberating feeling.

Become a member of the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative and tell everyone.

In unity, Michael Tellinger.

Febrary 17. 2024.

This is a new series of tokens, completely different from INFINITY tokens.

Every new business that is launched by OST, which requires funding, will issue tokens for that specific business, according to its business plan and required funds. Each business will have its own investor token.

Each set of tokens represent 30% profit share of that specific business. Token holders are paid out base on the number of tokens they hold. It's that simple.

This means that as time goes by, the OST Trading platform will become a hive of activity with thousands of tokens being traded. OST members and token holders either selling or buying tokens.

This is all part of the private OST membership benefit. Exciting times ahead. Full details on our website this week.

March 1, 2024

INFINITY TOKEN Price Update - 1 March 2024

I am very pleased to report that after running the algorithm on the OST Platform, the price of INFINITY token has risen from $4.00 ro $4.36

This is a clear indication of the growth and confidence among the people about the future of the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative. We have only just begun, we're not even out of the starting blocks. The days ahead will be historic.

We are about to launch the first wave of profitable businesses that belong to members of OST. Plus our first Health Centre and the Investor Token connected to it. This will snow-ball and grow exponentially in many ONE SMALL TOWNs around the world.

Join the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative today, become a member and start collecting your tokens. They become more and more widely used, as the OST members grow. INFINITY will be our saving grace if the banks should ever crash or close their doors. Go to our website and become part of the solution.

Febrary 17. 2024.

The pursuit of financial wealth is very different from the pursuit of abundance for all.

We can have abundance and prosperity for all, and not be concerned about financial wealth. But first we need unity and cooperation.

This is why the global elite keep dividing us, to prevent us from uniting, cooperating and prospering.

But we have a plan to achieve our prosperity. And it does not require any opposition, violence or conflict. Join us. It's a liberating feeling.

February 22, 2024

Imagine a stable asset backed community token, that helps to build hospitals, clinics, and health centres.

A token that helps develop new healing technologies and train ordinary people to be extraordinary healers.

The INFINITY token from ONE SMALL TOWN does all of this and more. It helps millions of people around the world to take care of their own needs in Healthcare, and not be dependant on governments or handouts. We are building our own health centres.

Join us. Become a member of the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative, start collecting your INFINITY tokens now.

Febrary 17. 2024.

INFINITY steps in where Bitcoin failed us What is the INFINITY token?

  1. A stable, asset-backed, community token of the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative.
  2. Backed by real sweat equity, and time contribution by OST members around the world.
  3. Cannot be lost, devalued or crashed by reckless traders or malicious infiltrators.
  4. The official ONE SMALL TOWN community, membership reward system.
  5. A stable means of exchange for people everywhere.
  6. The value of INFINITY will keep growing with the number of members worldwide.
  7. Members receive ONE INFINITY token for every 3 hours they contribute to OST projects or businesses.
  8. Tokens are stored in your OST Digital Wallet
  9. You can send your tokens free of charge to any other member; exchange them for items of value; or place them for sale on the OST Trading Platform, to willing buyers - privately and out of sight.
  10. Start collecting your INFINITY tokens and start using them, the way we used Bitcoin when it was first launched.