One Small Town

Become a member

Become a member of One Small Town

Everything starts with ONE SMALL TOWN membership.
Anyone, anywhere can become a Global member of ONE SMALL TOWN.
You don’t have to live in an active ONE SMALL TOWN to be a member.

Just click the BECOME A MEMBER button and follow the prompts.
Once you are a member you can choose to get involved in various ways and you can apply for various roles, such as: To become the Ambassador for your town or country, business planner, project manager, accounting, farmer, school, etc.

Log In to Your OST Membership Account

One you have signed up as a member, please LOG IN to your account with the email and password you used to create your account, and explore the various buttons and things you can do.

IMPORTANT: 3-Hour Contributions

Only members who live in active OST towns need to pledge their 3 hours per week to their projects – but that only starts when such projects become active.

Other Services by Members for INFINITY Tokens

In the near future you will be able to contribute your special skills and talents in various other ways on location in your town, or online, providing services to other OST members while earning INFINITY tokens. More details will follow soon.

All activity takes place in your OST Membership account

Your Digital Wallet is one of the most important parts of your account. Please explore your Digital Wallet – this is where all your INFINITY tokens are held. You can share them or send them for free to any other member in the world instantly – or you can exchange them for items of value – or you can place them for sale on the OST Platform to a willing buyer. (Find more details about INFINITY Tokens on the Token page)

Importance of Membership

Our OST private membership is very important. It protects us as individuals, protects our communities, our businesses, our investors, and allows us to do a variety of amazing things that would not be possible any other way. Such as using and sharing our community tokens, trading, OST store, sharing collective benefits from our farms and businesses, etc. Private memberships have been used by influential organisations for centuries.

OST Stores

We are working on launching the OST stores as fast as we can. This will be a place where members will be able to get food, or other goods in exchange for their INFINITY tokens. Members will also be able to trade their unwanted goods in exchange for INTINITY tokens. This will become a true OST trading store in the full sense of the word.