One Small Town

Calling all INVENTORS and

OST is working with an increasing number of inventors who have found a comfortable and safe partner in the OST family.

ONE SMALL TOWN offers inventors a safe partnership to help get their inventions to the world, without any cost to the inventor, in a way that will benefit the OST members, the people, of the world, and generate healthy ongoing profits for inventors.

We are already working on diverse technologies, products, formulations, machines, etc, in areas such as energy, cooling, water purification, desalination, agriculture, seed technology, pyrolysis, pharmaceutics, healthcare, etc. NOTICE: We will never want to take control of your IP or Patents. We always insist that the inventors hold onto their IP and patents. We will however assist inventors to register their IP and Patens if they need, in the process of finalizing a working relationship with OST.

R&D: At this stage we cannot get involved in testing, research or development of new technology. We can only take on tried and tested technology that is ready for manufacture and release. If you have existing working inventions or technology that you would like to take to market with the OST initiative, please send us an email at and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.