INFINITY tokens sold
4.99 USD
Current price
Reserve Price at 4.43 USD
If you have any difficulty setting up your account, or purchasing tokens, or after purchase support, or digital wallet support, please email our support team at: supportplatform@onesmalltown.org.
What is INFINITY token?
How it works
Digital Wallet
Each OST member gets a digital wallet automatically attached to their OST account when they sign up as a member. INFINITY tokens are automatically deposited into the member’s digital wallet, after the completion of each 3-hour shift. Tokens are stored and held in the digital wallet. All token trade, sharing or exchange, is done with your OST digital wallet.
Using Your INFINITY Tokens
We urge all members to use INFINITY as a means of exchange, the way that Bitcoin was originally used. Members can send their tokens to any other member for free, with their digital wallet; or they can use the tokens as a means of exchange for other goods or services; display your OST digital wallet address on your invoice; accept payment in INFINITY tokens into your digital wallet; or you can place your tokens up for sale on the OST Trading Platform, for willing buyers to purchase.
How Do Members Earn Tokens
Members who live in Active OST Towns, are required to contribute a minimum or 3-hours per week, to be compliant as active participating members. Such active members can contribute 3-hours every day, if they have time, and if there are OST projects for them to participate in. In such a case members can accumulate as many tokens as there are days in each calendar month.
Notice: Anyone can become an OST member. You do not have to live in an active OST town to become a member.
Value Calculation
The value of the INFINITY token is calculated by an algorithm linked to the OST Platform, that uses the following parameters: Average hourly wage in the USA; number of OST members worldwide; number of hours contributed by OST members towards OST projects.
True Value of INFINITY
At its launch, in July 2022, the value of the INFINITY token was estimated to be $40 (USD) which is the average wage for 3-hours of work in the USA. The launch price of the INFINITY token was $1.00. The value of the token will gradually grow towards the $40 mark as the OST initiative grows new projects are started and more members keep joining OST.
Seed Funding
SEED FUNDING: 24 million INFINITY tokens were allocated for sale as seed funding to launch the OST initiative around the world. After the sale of the 24 million INFINITY tokens, no more tokens will be available for sale – unless the members who hold tokens and earn tokens with their 3-hour contributions, decide to sell their tokens.
INFINITY tokens and the OST digital wallet is a safe and available tool should the global financial systems fail in any way, or during other crises that may put people in a financial stranglehold.
If you want to gain a deeper understanding of the workings behind the One Small Town and our token policy, read the whitepapers for all our tokens by clicking the button below.
READ THE WHITEPAPER >>We are here to help you
If you have any difficulty setting up your account, or purchasing tokens, or after purchase support, or digital wallet support, please email our support team at supportplatform@onesmalltown.org or click the button below.
The INFINITY Token is the official ONE SMALL TOWN (OST) community token shared with all OST members who contribute 3-hours of time towards their businesses and community activities. It is the official reward mechanism for OST members around the world.
The token is proof of contribution of time – proof that the OST member contributed their 3 hours. OST members in active towns are required to contribute 3 hours of labour per week, for which they receive 1 INFINITY token for every 3-hours of time contributed.
Members can contribute up to 3 hours every day if they have time available, and receive one INFINITY token for each 3-hour session.
The INFINITY token is a private membership and community, asset-backed token. It is underpinned by real human activity, labour and sweat equity by OST members around the world. Each token represents 3 hours of actual work and contribution of time or skills. Every INFINITY token is created and earned by people doing something to uplift their community and their community businesses. Each token is created on the OST platform, upon the completion of 3 hours of contribution by an OST member.
It cannot get lost and its value cannot be crashed by reckless traders or volatile markets. It is easy to use as a tool of exchange with other members. In areas where people have very little or nothing, INFINITY becomes an important tool of exchange.
You can use your OST digital wallet to send or share tokens instantly and for free with any other member, you can exchange tokens for items of value like food, or clothing, bicycle, car, house, etc. And you can place your tokens up for sale on the OST Trading Platform to willing buyers. The OST Trading Platform is available for OST members only. It is not an open trading platform.
We needed a mechanism to verify that OST members contribute their 3 hours per week. We could have used the old punch card ticket system, or QR code on a cell phone, or other ways for members to prove that they contribute their 3 hours. The situation presented the perfect opportunity to create a community token that will represent such participation, and simultaneously become an additional benefit for the community, by becoming a reward mechanism for participating members, in addition to the other benefits.
The INFINITY token is underpinned by true human activity - actual human labour and sweat equity - not just fresh air. Every INFINITY token is created and earned by people doing something to uplift their community and their project.
The OST Trading Platform is a secure private trading environment, hosted on the main OST Platform. This is where all INFINITY tokens are sold or traded. All future OST tokens will be sold and traded here. No other cryptocurrencies are traded here. It is similar to the E- Bay trading system of willing seller – willing buyer. Every OST member has automatic access to the OST Trading Platform in their member’s account.
There are TWO sets of INFINITY tokens.
SEED CAPITAL: The OST non-profit company issued 24 million INFINITY tokens as seed capital for funding the launch of the OST initiative around the world. These tokens are for sale to anyone who wants to have INFINITY tokens but does not want to contribute time. These tokens were launched in August 2022 at $1.00 USD.
The price is calculated by an algorithm that considers the number of members, and how much time they contribute, and how often. The price of INFINITY is updated monthly at the end of each month.
After the first 24 million tokens have been sold, no more INFINITY tokens will be available for sale as seed capital. But OST members will continue to earn their tokens for their 3-hour contributions. Such members will be able to place their tokens for sale on the OST platform, to willing buyers.
GENERAL INFINITY TOKENS: Members receive INFINITY tokens for every 3-hour contribution they make to their community. This means that there is no finite limit to how many tokens are issued because INFINITY tokens are created by our own labour and time contribution. This is why INFINITY is a true asset-backed community token, unlike any other. The entire system is managed by the OST Platform and Blockchain.
The OST Trading Platform is hosted on the blockchain-like OST Platform, where INFINITY tokens are sold and traded. All future OST tokens will be sold and traded here. No other cryptocurrencies are traded here. It is similar to the E-Bay trading system; willing seller – willing buyer. Anyone can have an account on the OST Trading Platform by simply creating an account on the main OST Platform.
The OST Digital Wallet is where all your OST tokens are held – on our phone or PC. Only you have access to your digital wallet through your account on the OST Platform. Anyone who opens an account on the OST Platform automatically gets a digital wallet connected to their account. With your wallet you can send tokens to any other person with an OST digital wallet, privately, for free, and without any interference from any bank. Once your tokens are in your wallet, they cannot get lost – even if you lose your phone or PC. The wallet is part of your OST Platform account. The OST digital wallet only holds OST tokens, it does not hold any other crypto currencies.
NO – INFINITY is not a cryptocurrency / token that was created for speculative trading. INFINITY is a community token that has true intrinsic value – It belongsto the people who create the token by contributing their labour and sweat equity. The current Crypto exchanges, or markets, or trading sites are all vulnerable to attack, and being crashed by reckless traders or infiltrators. INFINITY cannot be exposed to the reckless and volatile trading activity often encountered on trading sites and crypto exchanges. This is why the OST Trading Platform was created – to protect the value of the token while giving each member and token holder a safe environment to sell or buy tokens if and when they want to.
Any signed-up member of any OST town or projects around the world, receives one INFINITY token for every 3-hours of contribution towards their projects or businesses. Every member is required to contribute 3-hours per week, and a maximum of 6-hours per week. The tasks will be allocated to members by the OST platform via their phone or email. Infinity tokens are automatically placed in each member’s digital wallet after completion of their 3-hour shift.
OST Business, is any business started by the OST community cooperative, which is part of the OST initiative in a town or municipality. All such businesses are co-owned by the members of the OST cooperative equally. OST project, could be a factory; a farm; or school, or any business that belongs collectively to a group of people in a legal cooperative structure. Any group of people who decide to work together under the same principles as ONE SMALL TOWN, but it is not a town or municipality.
You open an account on the OST Platform and follow the instruction on how to buy tokens. Once you have paid, you will receive an email confirming your purchase - BUT it may take up to 7 days for the tokens to be allocated into your Digital Wallet – depending on how long it takes for the payment to clear in the OST bank account. You can pay with a credit card or a direct deposit into our OST bank account which is indicated on your order form.
Once you have an account and your digital wallet attached to it, you can use your digital wallet to send any of the OST tokens to anyone who has an OST Digital Wallet. This is all free of charge, private, and out of control by any bank or financial institution.
The launch value of INFINITY token is calculated to be USD 40 ($40.00) It is based on the average hourly wage in the USA. Each INFINITY token represents 3-hours of real labour by OST members. The value of the token is also expanded by the basket of food and goods received by OST members each month, and the total cash dividends received each month from all the businesses in their town or project.
The true value of the INFINITY token will be calculated each month and published on the OST website.
The launch price of the INFINITY token was $1.00 – The price of the token will gradually increase over a 24-month period, until it reaches its true calculated value of $40 – OST is releasing 24 million INFINITY tokens only. 1 million tokens per month.
After the release of all 24 million INFINITY tokens, the only tokens available for sale or trade will be the tokens that have been earned by OST members around the world every month. Members may choose NOT to sell their tokens. Members may trade goods by sending tokens to others with OST digital wallets. We expect that much of the activity among OST members will be direct trading between members with digital wallets. This means that there may be a scarcity of INFINITY tokens.
OST will launch a variety of INVESTOR tokens in the near future. These INVESTOR tokens will represent businesses and other activities. They will include agriculture; medicinal; technology; arts; culture; sports and recreation; and more. Businesses will be bundled together to offer investors a spread of diverse investment opportunities – spreading the risk. Two of the highlights to be released in 2022 will be our prospectuses for NEW technology in water desalination and purification; and NEW electricity generating technology. We are compiling the investment prospectuses for release.
1. OST Platform support email is: supportplatform@onesmalltown.org
2. Investors who want to talk to someone before purchasing tokens can contact Victor Lardé to request a phone or video call (Zoom or Meet) by text message or WhatsApp to +356 99746522 (Maltese number. Malta - EU)
3. Or email Victor at: tokens@onesmalltown.org
Notice & Disclaimer
ONE SMALL TOWN NPC, South Africa, or any of its affiliates such as ONE SMALL TOWN INTERNATIONAL LLC USA, ONE SMALL TOWN LTD UK, (OST) are not licenced financial institutions, we do not provide financial services, tax advice, or financial advice, or claim to be accredited financial services providers.
We are a worldwide Private Membership Organisation that is involved in community development and upliftment projects. We provide the tools that assist OST members to develop plans and strategies to develop their towns and communities.
This includes membership signups on our secure private platform, membership cards, business plan support, project management, international contacts and networks, and other benefits associated with ONE SMALL TOWN membership.
Please be advised that the term TOKEN, TOKENS, or INVESTOR TOKEN, is not a reference to an official financial document, or share certificate, of financial services instrument. Tokens are not intended to constitute securities, shares, units in a collective investment plan, or any form of financial instrument, or advice in any jurisdiction.
It is a membership token that indicates the MEMBER’s support of a specific business or activity within the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative. Token holders must be members, and they receive benefits from the specific business they support, based on the number of tokens they hold.
OST expressly disclaims any and all representations and warranties that the Tokens might be construed as an offer of securities or a solicitation for investment.
Acknowledgment by Token Holders:
By acquiring, holding, or using the Tokens, you acknowledge and agree that:
Regulatory Compliance:
OST is committed to full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations concerning the issuance and management of digital tokens. Should any changes in legislation or regulation require adjustments to the nature or use of the Tokens, OST will undertake to inform token holders appropriately and take necessary actions in compliance with the law.