One Small Town

How To Launch One Small Town
in Your Town

NOTICE: Keep in mind that we are doing something very unique and very big. This has never been done before. There is no script or guide book to show us the way – we have to figure it out for ourselves and build it together. Our implementation plans have changed over the past 3 years as we learn from our experiences. This is the latest version which has shown to be most effective so far.

Please watch the Two Slide Presentations below to get a full perspective on the OST Implementation plan.
It all starts with a Town Ambassador:

All OST Initiatives require a local or town Ambassador who takes on the responsibility for all the preparations, inspiring the community, assemble the Support Team which will plan the full implementation, and compile the 12-month plan for your town.
A Country Ambassador is required to oversee the funding process through the OST Country office and ensuring that all legal requirements are upheld in the launch process. If there is no country Ambassador in your country, one needs to be appointed first before the initiative can be launched.

What you should know - Pre-launch Plan

  1. Ambassador is appointed by OST office.
  2. Ambassador assembles an implementation team of skilled people that have experience in planning, starting and managing businesses, town planning and community development programmes.
  3. Such as business planners, project managers, accountants, engineers, creative town planners, creative community project planners, arts, culture, sport, education, etc.
  4. Implementation Team holds a creative business think tank.
  5. Identify a list of 50 - 100 feasible, profitable businesses for the town.
  6. Ranging from small - medium - large - long term and high profit businesses.
  7. Identify critical community upliftment projects.
  8. Compile a 12-month plan for the town.
  9. Call a town meeting - Introduce plan to community.
  10. Start signing up members and activate the first projects.
  11. Write business plans for the 3 best chosen businesses.
  12. Plan a community kitchen where possible to provide 1 or 2 meals per day to members who participate in community upliftment projects.
  13. Initiate small community upliftment projects - to raise community spirit.
  14. Members who participate in community projects get an INFINITY token AND a plate of food from the community kitchen.
  15. Create investor pack and PR campaign to raise funds for OST business.
  16. Issue INVESTOR tokens for first OST business.
  17. Local residents get first preference to buy shares in their own businesses.
  18. If funds cannot be raised locally - offer investor token sales to the country, if still not enough funds, then offer investment to the rest of the world.
  19. A great way to crowd-fund our own businesses and keep full ownership local with the residents of our town.
  20. Repeat funding process with the rest of the business.

OST Objectives

  1. To deliver a clear program and a simple plan of action for the launching of the OST initiative in as many towns as possible, across the world.
  2. To inspire and motivate people into believing that anything is possible when we cooperate and collaborate.
  3. To launch interconnected, profitable businesses, and community upliftment projects, that rejuvenate entire communities.
  4. To rejuvenate all sectors of our communities that were once active and strong, and revive them to once again contribute to the wellbeing of our communities.
  5. To inspire innovation and new business ideas among OST members in all sectors.
  6. Provide business plan support and funding systems for new community businesses.
  7. Special focus to be given to arts, culture, sports, education, recreation and special needs support.
  8. All community stakeholders are invited to participate in co-creating these initiatives.
  9. All OST initiatives are implemented within the parameters of our defined business model.
  10. It has taken many years to craft this OST model so that it benefits everyone involved on many levels. We will keep improving the OST model and the OST Platform as we grow, to make the implementation smoother, and our outcomes more successful into the future.
  11. To create prosperity and abundance across all sectors possible, which is shared into the community.
  12. Where the food we grow collectively is shared and made available to our members;
  13. Where the goods we produce or manufacture are available to our members continually;
  14. Where the net profits from our businesses are distributed to our members equally. (Please refer to our business structure and model for full details)

How to Start
